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Life After…

Cancer has taught me many things. This blog is part lessons learned and part reflection, but mostly the posts are simple musings about life after…and what it means for me to go from surviving to thriving.

2020 Reflection: What does it mean for the future?

2020 Reflection: What does it mean for the future?

I read my post for last year's 2020 New Year Intention and was shocked by its prescient nature. How did I know that the universe would take my goal seriously and put it to the test? Some of the words and phrases made me wonder if I wrote this after the pandemic...

Skin cancer sacrifices: no shorts or tank tops

Skin cancer sacrifices: no shorts or tank tops

May is skin cancer awareness month. I don’t know that we learn from other's mistakes, so I’ll refrain from preaching and just tell you a little story of how I safely enjoy the sun as a stage four melanoma survivor. Last week we hiked on a gorgeous sunny afternoon and...

What I have learned about openness and letting go

What I have learned about openness and letting go

In my last post I resolved to be intentional about my actions and reactions and to remain open to whatever life puts before me. I’ve experienced this kind of openness before, so I know it is possible. I recall vividly the time of freedom and liberation from my...

My new year intention

My new year intention

Looking back What do I want for the new year, a new decade? I do not make traditional resolutions because I’m sure I’d be in the majority that have already failed by the third week in January. But I do like to mark the end of a year and start of a new one with some...

Why I love Friday the 13th

I am crazy superstitious. In high school I wore the same socks, underwear and bra for basketball and softball games, following strict rituals and never straying from my routine. I do not like black cats, sidewalk cracks and I definitely dislike broken mirrors. Friday...