Telling and Selling Your Story
We write to see what we have to say. We write about what we most want or need to learn. So how do we turn our ideas and passions into an honest-too-goodness book?
Writing a book can be engaged in a systematic, structured way for effective and successful results. It’s not always easy, but it can be simple if you follow the right path.
It all begins when when we schedule appointments with ourselves to write. This course thoroughly examines what happens next, where we need to go, and how to get there.
Using materials and resources designed especially for the first time author, you:
- Use a powerful writing system to complete your book
- Discover and implement the seven habits of successful writers
- Learn the proper architecture of a book and how to build it
- Explore the diversified spectrum of publishing possibilities
- Gain a distinct awareness of how books are marketed and sold
- Cement your position as a recognized and respected expert
- Add visibility and credibility for enhancing professionalism and passive income
In these four teleseminars we will discuss the art, craft, science, and business of writing a book.
Telling and Selling your story.
Course Outline and Workbook:
Session 1 – The Art of Writing – April 9, 2018
Session 2 – The Craft of Writing – April 16, 2018
Session 3 – The Science of Writing – April 23, 2018
Session 4 – The Business of Writing – May 7, 2018