Your Holiday Gift Delivery!

This time of year is all about giving and this year we are pulling out ALL the stops and celebrating some good news of our own with more gifts for you than ever before!

Here’s what you get right now:

  • Download the bestselling coaches handbook Exploring Coaching right now
  • Download Think & Grow Rich For Coaches and join the book club for free
  • Access to The Neuroscience of Change with Dr. David Krueger
  • Save $250 off your registration for The Certified Coach Program

Exploring Coaching Book Club

A step-by-step guide to a fulfilling and rewarding career. If you’re just getting started or looking for help in discovering your coaching niche, this is the perfect handbook. Exploring Coaching takes you on an exciting journey starting with the first 5 Critical Steps. Ten dynamic coaches share their experiences AND their path to becoming successful.

Download Now



Think & Grow Rich For Coaches Book Club

Napoleon Hill’s timeless classic now updated and revised specifically for coaches by Will Craig. Discover the famous formula and universal truths that spawned an entire personal growth industry. For some readers, the book helps them get their lives on track. For others, the insights are life-changing. Still others become disciples for the principles laid out between the covers of this e-book.

You’ll gain important knowledge from the experience of more than 500 persons of great wealth, who began from scratch, with nothing to give in return for riches except thoughts, ideas and organized plans.

Download Now.


The Neuroscience of Change

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When you register before Dec 31st for any class on the schedule – you get:

Success Without Selling ($39 value)
Gain high visibility and greater credibility at the same time. With this eProgram you read AND listen to the strategies, techniques, and detailed formulas used by successful professionals who hate to sell. Dramatically increase your income–without selling–using the resources you already have.

Download now.




$250 off Coaching Systems and Licensed ProgramsGRAD2013
When it comes to getting your ‘act together’ as a coach, there’s nothing better, faster, or easier than using a system. The coaching systems featured below provide an integrated, step-by-step structure for establishing purpose and achieving objectives with your clients.

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Opposite Strengths
When you become an Opposite Strengths Certified Executive Coach, you will propel your coaching business to a whole new level.

It’s all about becoming a successful executive coach doing the work you love to do – and receiving the financial rewards that go along with it.

Learn more…


Dr. Jonny Bowden’s Diet Boot Camp System
Weight Loss Coaching System Become an Authorized Coach of Dr. Jonny Bowden’s Diet Boot Camp System™. Deliver a trademarked, three dimensional program that employs mind/body connection training for amazing results. Empower your clients (and yourself) to look fitter, feel happier, and be more productive.

Learn more…


New Life Story Coach Training
New Life Story™ Coach Training and Licensing a complete, turnkey system for coaching clients to the life they’ve always wanted. With this program–and the guidance of David Krueger, MD–you coach clients in writing new chapters into their lives they never thought possible. Become licensed to use a program that enables you to increase the length of your coaching engagements 6-12 months, and more.

Learn more…


What’s Your EQ?
Emotional Intelligence Licensing Workshop Become licensed to use the Emotional Intelligence Profile™, the most comprehensive EI assessment on the market today. Dr. Laura Belsten, MCC is personally training a limited number of coaches to effectively build their practice using this proven instrument.

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Save $200 using the  on this graduate level course when you use the code DDC2013

Foundationally grounded in the understanding that coaching is a disciplined practice, this 12-week ICF approved* course drills down into the 11 Core Competencies as outlined by the ICF. This coach specific training earns participants 24 Continuing Coach Education Units (CCEU’s) with the International Coach Federation under the category of Core Competencies. Through weekly, live, 2-hour teleclasses, the course will examine each of the 11 Core Competencies in depth, and include live demos, skill-drills and rich feedback during live coach-the-coach sessions. This gives participants the opportunity to listen to, experience and practice how to masterfully attend to the 11 Core Competencies and coach masterfully in every client session.

Learn more…


Save $100 instantly on your Coach Training Accelerator using the code ACCEL2012 AND enjoy free shipping using the code SHIPIT when you check out!

A free website on is included with your Coach Training Accelerator AND Certified Coach Program graduates also get a personalized listing in the highly ranked Life Coach Directory @

Start building your website right now by clicking here.


Email if you have any questions or need any help.